Practical Biz Income INVITATION PAGE
Join Us For A Killer Product Launch On xxx thru xxx
A Proven Cash Creator:
- Tested At Over $$$$ EPC!
- Recurring Monthly Commissions
- An Established High Quality Product
- Less Than $$ Refund Rate!

STEP 1: Join Our JVZoo Affiliate Program
Affiliates must be on our list to receive prizes. This is how we update you about the JV contest, leader board, and launch details.
We value your privacy and would never spam you
STEP 2: Personalize Your Affiliate Tools
We use JVZoo because it's an awesome platform. You can get your affiliate link above but we ask that you first sign up for our Affiliate program on the left. We'd like to keep in touch with you about leaderboard updates and spot contests throughout this launch. We don't market to our JV's. We run a legit company and we have a great reputation. Please read our terms to ensure that the rules are clear and everything remains above board.

Keith & Gail Brisco
And the Positively Practical Team
Contact Us We're Here To Help You Succed
Email Us: Support@positivelypractical.com
Skype : Gail.Brisco
Voxer : gbrisc122
So... What Exactly Is Practical Biz Income?

Our ROCK SOLID Sales Funnel Converts
Practical Biz Income has proven to be an effective marketing tool that is geared to help customers start their own affiliate marketing business. The basic, pro and club levels are equipped with high quality content and bonuses that will allow marketers of any level to build their own online business! Our funnel starts with an initial payment of $9, then the Pro Level which features a traffic generating software tool plus DIY videos and audios that will speed up building their businesses for $67. The Practical Biz Income Club level features Monthly Affiliate Marketing Education for a one-time price of $77. Both the Pro level and the Club level have alternative payment options. The pro level for 2 x $40 and the Club level for a recurring $9/month, providing you with recurring income.
Aside from our highly profitable flow, we are also giving 100% commission on the basic level, great & exciting prizes for our contest, and we also provide, you our JV partners, with marketing promotion tools to maximize your sales.
Anything you need to have a successful campaign is put together in one place for your convenience, now you can earn massive commissions like crazy!
Product & Funnel: A Rock Solid Reputation

Exclusive Membership
We have been working hard in perfecting this Affiliate Marketing programs. And now finally the long wait is over. We are very pleased to introduce to you this new marketing tool, Practical Biz Income. We....Gail Brisco, aka Mrs B, and The Positively Practical Team are offering a cost-efficient business solution for IM’s who want to leverage affiliate marketing tools without breaking the bank. We have created a cost-effective version of affiliate marketing tool kit, offering 100% commissions on the front end, on top of its extremely affordable package rate.
We've provided you with a complete toolbox for promotional tools to make it super easy for you to promote. Just copy paste and update...use on your site, in your emails, on your facebook and blog posts. We've made it super easy for you to succeed.

High Conversions & Low Refunds
The sales funnel is simple and has proven to convert up to xxx and bring in xxxx EPC (earnings per click). Payments are processed securely with JV Zoo and your customer can pay with PayPal or credit card.
Your customers get a 30 day guarantee and they'll have the best customer service in the known universe. We do all of our own customer service in house, they can submit a ticket . We aim to make your people happy no matter what it takes.
We use raw links, so all traffic you bring, stays cookied to you. Our followup series of ads will redirect your leads back for that sale that is credited directly to you, our JV Partner.

Sales Contest: Win One Of These Prizes!

Contest Leader Board: Who Will Be On Top?
If you don't yet have an autoresponder, we personally use GetResponse and you can get a free trial (no credit card required).
There are 2 things that will drastically increase your conversions for any product that you are promoting. If you take the time to do these two simple things you will significantly increase the amount of money you make so do it now and don't leave it for the last minute!
We highly recommend that you offer a bonus for your subscribers to add an additional incentive for them to buy through YOUR LINK instead of someone else's LINK. Here's an OP2 template created by our design team that you can upload to your WP dashboard. You can easily modify them as you see fit.
ATTENTION: Download the Bonus Product Files HERE. It is important that after you downloaded these files, upload and host them to your own hosting account because this page will eventually be closed after the launch.

Keith & Gail Brisco
And The Positively Practical Team
Contact Us We're Here To Help You Succeed
Email Us: Support@positivelypractical.com
Skype : Gail.Brisco
Voxer : gbrisc122